The Dam Crusader Is Still With Us

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“>pointed out, the World Bank has increased its lending for large dams (and thermal power projects). Our main concern is not with the numbers. While we do think that some of the projects funded by the World Bank should not go forward, most of the Bank’s new dams are small or mid-sized projects or rehabilitations of earlier projects. We are concerned that beyond their own financing, Bank representatives are traveling around the world promoting large dams and playing down more sustainable alternatives as if the Bank was part of the global dam industry. And we are concerned that the Bank continues to neglect decentralized solutions in the water sector, renewable energy and rural electrification in its operations. As you point out, this approach may be supported by many governments, but as the Bank’s own evaluations have shown, this is not the same as reducing poverty.

I am happy to hear that you are not retiring in frustration, and apologize again for getting the date wrong. We will follow your next reincarnation with interest.

Best regards,

Peter Bosshard
International Rivers

Peter Bosshard is the policy director of International Rivers. His blog, Wet, Wild and Wonky, appears at